Our Information

Elam Hearts and Hands

at Elam United Methodist Church
1073 Smithbridge Rd

Glen Mills, PA 19342


Phone: 610-459-2911

Fax:  610-459-3588


Kelly Forwood, Director

Elam Hearts and Hands



Learn about Elam

United Methodist Church

Upcoming events




(Adults only)


January 7, 2025



Information Sessions:

6:45pm & 7:30pm







Preschool & Children's Day Out




school year



January 17, 2025




Call or email for further information and to receive registration materials.







Code Word Safety Procedure

Parents are asked to pick a "code word" that will be kept on file. That word will be told to the teacher at the door at dismissal. A "Permission to Dismiss" paper must be filled out if someone other than a parent (or a regularly scheduled pick-up person) is picking up a child. Proper identification will be required at the time of pick up as well as knowledge of the code word. 



Health Policy

Keeping sick children home is beneficial to all the students and staff. By sick we mean those who have:

  • A temperature of 100.4F or higher.
  • A fresh cold with a running nose, cough or sore throat.
  • Any new or unexplained eruption of spots on the skin.
    (A doctor's note must accompanay the child upon returning to school, indication the rash is not contagious.)
  • Any unusual fatigue or chills.
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye).

A child must be symptom-free and fever-free (without fever-reducing medication) for 24 hours in order to return to school. The classroom teacher will greet each child before entering the classroom and do a visual health assessment. The teacher will communicate with the parent if there is a question regarding the child's health. If a child has a communicable disease or infection (coronavirus, influenza, etc.) that could be transmitted to other children, the child must be excluded from attending school. The school must receive written notification from a physician or CRNP that the child is no longer contagious, before returning to school. 


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© Elam United Methodist Church