Our Information

Elam Hearts and Hands

at Elam United Methodist Church
1073 Smithbridge Rd

Glen Mills, PA 19342


Phone: 610-459-2911

Fax:  610-459-3588


Kelly Forwood, Director

Elam Hearts and Hands



Learn about Elam

United Methodist Church

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school year






Call or email for further information and to receive registration materials.










HEALTH POLICY: Evaluate your child’s health before bringing him/her to school each day. Keeping sick children home can lower the risk of spreading infectious diseases. Keep your child home if he/she is experiencing respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms such as cough, fever (100.4F or higher), sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea. A child must be fever-free (without fever-reducing medication) for 24 hours and symptoms must be improving in order to return to school. Any new or unexplained eruption of spots on the skin or conjunctivitis (pink eye) needs to be evaluated by a healthcare professional. 


If a child has a communicable disease or infection (coronavirus, influenza, etc.) that could be transmitted to other children, the child must be excluded from attending school. The school must receive written notification from a physician or CRNP that the child is no longer considered contagious, before returning to school. 


DAILY HEALTH CHECKS: The teachers will do a visual health assessment of each child upon entering the classroom. If there are health concerns, parents/guardians will be notified. If a sick child is to be dismissed from school, a staff member will care for that child in a separate space, away from the other children, until a parent comes to pick up. 




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