Our Information

Elam Hearts and Hands

at Elam United Methodist Church
1073 Smithbridge Rd

Glen Mills, PA 19342


Phone: 610-459-2911

Fax:  610-459-3588


Kelly Forwood, Director

Elam Hearts and Hands



Learn about Elam

United Methodist Church

Upcoming events




(Adults only)


January 7, 2025



Information Sessions:

6:45pm & 7:30pm











school year



January 17, 2025




Call or email for further information and to receive registration materials.







                                                                                                                  The Preschool creates a happy and comfortable learning experience for every child.  In these precious preschool years, children are bursting with imagination, creativity and energy. The preschoolers like to investigate their world with all their senses and they will be provided with creative opportunities to explore and discover in a comfortable and loving environment. 





Three Year Old Classes

All children must be three and potty trained by September 10th 

Classes meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday OR

NEW Monday through Friday option (if numbers allow)


9:00am  Arrival

9:15am Circle Time

Pledges, Calendar, Weather, Theme Discussions

9:30am Outdoor/Gym and Snack Time

10:15am Free Choice Time

Play Time and Table Time

11:45am Closing Circle

Story, Devotion, Prayer and Good-bye Song

12:00pm  Dismissal




Tables During Free Choice Time


Creative Art :  Teacher directed art projects produced here are

open-ended, creative and show self expression.


Letter Preschoolers explore the letter of the week in various ways:  stamping of capital and lower case letters, objects with the

beginning sound, and coloring pages of pictures with the

beginning sound.


Cut and Color:  Coloring pages, plain paper, and cutting activities to strengthen small muscles, reinforce left to right eye movements and build language skills necessary before they learn to read and write.


Messy Different textures, colors, and manipulatives

are available to experience hands-on activities such as play dough,

shaving cream, paint, etc.


Discovery:  A hands-on way for students to explore,

 experiment and discover items on their own.



Four Year Old/Pre-Kindergarten Classes


Four year old/ Pre-Kindergarten classes meet

Monday through Friday with a three day option :

Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 


9:00am  Free choice time

Play Time and Table Time Activities

10:30am Circle Time

Pledges, Calendar, Weather

10:40am Outdoor/Gym Time/Snack

11:20am Small Group Activity/Reading Time

Sign Language Letter/Clifford Scholastic Magazine/Activity

11:40am Circle Time

Theme Discussions, Story, Music & Movement,

Devotion, Prayer & Goodbye Song

12:00pm Dismissal






Tables During Free Choice Time


For our Four Year Old /Pre-Kindergarten Program, in addition to the

Cut and Color, Messy and Discovery Tables


Creative Learning:  Preschoolers work on beginning sounds and

letter writing for the letter of the week.  Pages are sent home for each child’s letter book.  Teacher-directed crafts are also created at this table.


Math Magic/Super Science:  Different math and science

manipulatives and papers will be used to teach various concepts.


Letter/Writing:  Sound discrimination activities, manipulatives

with beginning sounds, name writing practice, and working in the

“Letter Journal” (individual booklets for drawing pictures and writing words that begin with the letter of the week).





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